Since I was young I have been fascinated by computers and the internet, and over the years I have also developed my
interest in knowledge about how websites work and how you can program them best. That's why my focus nowadays is on
building web applications and other complex integrations of the web. During my bachelor program Biotechnology at the
University of Wageningen I also explored microbiology and bioinformatics.
In my Bachelor Thesis I aimed to research how to use the data generated by the newest generation of genetic seqencing devices best for the prediction of species.
For this a Machine Learning model was used. This model was then accelerated using one of the latest innovations in machine learning hardware, a Tensor Proccessing Unit.
Currently I am enrolled in the Master of Science Bioinformatics in Wageningen. In bioinformatics, analysis of big datasets is key, often concerning DNA, RNA or protein sequences. This master allows
me to learn several skills to process large amounts of data and perform valid statistical tests to extract information.
As a freelancher I provide web consultancy and do security pentesting. As an ethical hacker I have been able to help several well known dutch companies improve their security.
During my years as web developer I have also explored Progressive Web Apps, which are websites developed with the latest technologies that are allowed on App Stores. When I got COVID-19, my throat hurt so bad I decided the best way to communicate with my girlfriend was using morse code, unfortunatly I didn't know any. The apps that were available didn't satisfy my needs, so I build my own.
At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic my 2 cofounders and I started CovidAlarm, in this company we designed and mass produced a device that notifies the wearers when they are too close to other people. In this startup I selected the hardware for reliable measurements, created the necessary software and integreted all in components in a Printed Circuit Board.
As a web developer at greymotion I created wordpress websites, PHP web applications and provided technical assistance to clients.
The master in Bioinformatics allows me to see what programming paradigms are used in the computer science related to genetic analysis and other biological problems. In bioinformatics, analysis of big datasets is key, often concerning DNA, RNA or protein sequences. This master allows me to learn several skills to process large amounts of data and perform valid statistical tests to extract information.
In this bachelor several aspects of Biotechnology were explored. Like metabolic engineering of microorganisms, analyzing genomic data and designing a bioreactor. I also took the bioinformatics minor to get even more experience working with genomic data, programming and bioinformatic tools.